Wednesday 8 April 2015


                                    CAUSES OF SMOKING

Almost every day we see people smoking and taking drugs, not just adults, teens also appeared to have started smoking. Though written in his own cigarette packs "Smoking can cause cancer, heart attacks, impotence, and other”. But why are still smoking? Is not this like we kill ourselves? This causes people to smoke.

        There are several factors that encourage teens to smoke:

 Factor parents and family
 peers smoking

 Many cigarette advertising
 Feels want to try
 In influenced by peers
 In influenced by the environment

 Too stress

         Consequences of Smoking:

 Lung Cancer
     This is caused because tobacco contains a lot of harmful substances such as tobacco can also cause a black color in the lungs.

 Heart Cancer
     Smoking raises atherosclerosis or  hardening on blood vessels. This situation devote fatty substances and plaque block the flow of blood and makes blood vessel constriction. This will lead to heart disease.

 The body becomes tired
    If a cigarette for example run 5 minutes, he'll get tired taps her lungs have been damaged.

        Measures to tackle smoking:

 Campaign
Conduct various campaigns to tackle the problem of smoking either the government or private parties. For example, the government has entered into an anti-smoking campaign through variousway as the ads that aired in television, radio, posters or lectures are often held in school or in the office and so on.

 Talks
In the lecture should be pointed dangers of smoking, the effects of smoking and the benefits of people who otherwise do not smoke or quit smoking like to live longer, be able to protect themselves, their families and others from the dangers of smoking, be a good example to the children, can improve fitness and have a healthy body, enhance the sense of taste and smell, whiter teeth and fresher breath and can avoid wasteful culture using the money to buy cigarettes to a more useful purpose.

 Join the volunteer program
Join volunteer programs such as in hospitals and welfare associations to forget the smoking habit is taking a lesson and give thanks with our personal health. If a person is busy with activities or work that he did, he would forget to smoke cigarettes because there is no time to smoke a cigarette because there is no time to smoke a cigarette. For mothers who are pregnant again be exposed to advertisements about the importance of taking care of the baby and expose things that can harm the baby or health condition yourself.


 In conclusion, smoking is very dangerous to themselves and can be fatal. Therefore, we must work together so that problems can be stopped smoking in order to live more assured of getting a disease that is caused by smoking.

Written by : Fariza Najwa Binti Jamaludin.
Edite by : Lily Fazilin Binti Mohamad Faizul Tong


   Social media is the biggest problem that usually happen in Malaysia.. It always happens among the teenagers. Many crimes has happened because of this problem. Media is a vast form of communication that permeates nearly every aspect of modern culture. Teenenagers are exposed to all sorts of media outlets, from television, movies and advertising to social media sites such as facebook and instagram. Media isn't inherently  positive or negative. However  teens should have a healthy balance between exposure to media and other intelectually and physically stimualating activities.

Just as the internet has changed the way Canadians buy music, organize vacation ,and research school project,it has also affected how the interct socially. Through the use of social media,people can exchange photos and video ,shera medial also allow individuals,compies organizations, govenments,and parliamentarians to intercat with large numbers of people.In conjunction with the snared by social media users may be collected and analyze.This paper gives a brief overviem of the evolution and devetopment of social media ,look at their.Attnbutes affect the way people interact online,and considers theirpotential social andeconomic impact.

  Using social media web sites is among the most common activity of today’s children and adolescents.Any web site that allows social interaction is considered a social media site including social networking sites such as facebook, myspace and twitter, gamming sites and virtual words such as Club Penguin,second life and th video such as Youtube  and blogs. Such as offer today’s youth a portal for entertainment and communication and have grown exponentially in recent years. For this reason it is Important that parents become aware of the nature social media sites even not at all are healthy environment for children adolescent. Media pediatraciance are unique position pemanice and distance decide and to encourage use and urge parents to monitor for potential problems with cyber bullying“ facebook depression sexting and exposure to inappropriate content.

                                                                 Effect of social media

As conclusions social media is the bad influences to teenagers. And as a students we must use the social media properly and not wasting times.Many ways that can be undertaken but the most important parents must be aware to encourage this problems.

Written by : Nur Hidayah Binti Sahari
Edit by : Farhana Salwa Binti Mohammad Mahzan.




Many are talking about the pros and cons of video games and the internet nowadays. There are also reports that video games are more geared toward the negative behaviors of children and adolescents, if not controlled. Recently, scientists have published the results of a study of the positive and negative effects of video  games on children and adolescents.

If the content of video games chosen wisely and aim to educate, it can actually improve some other skills. However, as a whole, research has shown that it is more teaching tools that are used to educate children than what we imagination and video equipment function can be good or otherwise.


1. Can soothe the soul as we face many problems, stress.
2. Can reduce activity in undue and unlawful.
3. Disciplined and more careful can be sown in our lives.


1. Many cases Ponting School.
2. Many theft occurred.
3. Activities to be smoking among boys school when visiting the Cyber Center.
4. Unable to control myself to lose focus for learning.
5. Online Game Addiction in the game.
6. Absorbing and fun.
7. Forget everything when playing the game online.
8. Quick angry if interrupted during game play.


Based on the analysis that I can have is between good and bad when someone is too obsessed with video games. It is hoped that children can always supervised when playing online game that does not abandon its lessons. There are also games that do not comply with children under the age available on the internet.

Edit by: Umi Ashikin Binti Zainudin

 Written by: Syahirah Binti Hairudin

Tuesday 7 April 2015



Social media are computer mediated tools that  allow people to create, share or exchange information ,ideas, and picture /video in virtual commination and network . social media is defined is group of internet based application that build on the ideological and technological foundation ,and that allow the creation and exchange of user generated content .Furthermore ,social media depend on mobile and web based technology to create highly interactive platforms through which individuals and communication share, co-create ,discuss ,and modify user generated content. they introduce substantial and pervasive change to commination between businesses ,commination and individuals.

Cyber bullying

The immediacy provided by social media is available to predators as well  as friends. Kids especially are vulnerable to the practice of cyber-bullying in which the perpetrators, anonymously or even posing as people their victims trust, terrorize individuals in front of their peers. The devastation of these online attacks can leave deep mental scars. In several well-publicized cases, victims have even been driven to suicide. The anonymity afforded online can bring out dark impulses that might otherwise be suppressed. Cyber-bullying has spread widely among youth, with 42% reporting that they have been victim, according to a 2010 CBS News report.

Photo-Taking = Eating Disorder

If you haven’t already heard, dwelling in food photography has been deemed a sign of mental illness. I’m not really sure about that but they sure look funny. Dr Valerie Taylor who published a study about food fetish spoke about this phenomenon in the Canadian Obesity Summit in Vancouver earlier this year saying that it could be a sign of eating or weight disorders.
To be fair, she also said that not everyone who does it has a problem with food, which is a good thing because the phenomenon is so widespread that some restaurants have started banning photography of their food in their establishments.

The negative impacts of social media.

In 2012, anxiety UK conducted a survey on social media use and its effects on emotions.
The survey found that 53% of participants said the change had been  negative.
Those who said their lives had been worsened by using social media also reported feeling less con0fident when their achievements  against their friend . 

Written by : Nur Hidayah Binti Sahari
Edit by : Farhana Salwa Binti Mohammad Mahzan.

Monday 6 April 2015



Smoking is very dangerous because there are a lot of ingredients in tobacco smoke that can be harmful to our bodies. The main health risks of smoking is lung cancer, heart disease and stroke. Smoking has caused nearly 90% of deaths from lung cancer, approximately 80% of deaths from COPD, and about 17% of deaths from heart disease.

 As well as nicotine, there are more than 4000 chemicals in tobacco smoke, of which many are poisons. At least 60 of these chemicals cause cancer.
Among some of the most dangerous component are:
TAR : When you breath in tobacco smoke, some tar are deposited in the lung. Your lung are lined with tiny hairs that help ‘sweep’ germ and other things out of your lungs. It is harder for these hairs to move if your lung are coated with tar. The tar in cigarette smoke contains chemicals called carcinogens, which encourage the development of cancer cells in the body.
CARBON MONOXIDE : Carbon monoxide binds itself to hemoglobin in the bloodstream and prevents it from carrying enough oxygen around the body. This means that someone who smokes is likely to get out of breath and get tired more easily.
Eventually, you can get a lung disease called chronic obstructive  pulmonary disease(COPD). If you  have this it get harder and harder to breathe.
OXIDANT GASES : Oxidant gases are gases that react with oxygen they make blood more likely to clot, increasing the risk of heart attack or stroke.

BENZENE : Exposure to benzene can causes cell damage at the genetic level, and has been linked to a range of different cancers, such as leukemia and kidney cancer. Benzene used to be added to petrol, but the practice was stopped because of health concern.

One of the most harmful effects of smoking is a risk of the effects of increasing rates of lung cancer. Chemical substances contained in tobacco cause damage to cells in the lungs and cause cancer cells occurs. This is caused by cigarette smoke we inhale from the smokers, especially heavy smokers. the effect of changes in lung cancer patients can be seen in terms of time smoker smoking and how much they smoke.

*      Quitting smoking is good for health because indirectly we can save money from buying cigarettes absolutely no interest
*      Staying smoke free for 12 month can save an ex-smoker around £1696.
*      Our body free of chemicals contained in cigarettes.
*   Improve fitness levels and have a healthy body
*      have fresh breath and white teeth

Follow these guideline to quit smoking habit
ü  Ask yourself why you want to stop smoking.
ü  Write your answer on a piece of paper and carry it for you.
ü  Use it to remind yourself of why you want to stop, whenever, you feel like to smoking.
ü  Change your schedule to avoid circumstances in which you usually smoke.
ü  Walk around the block or chew gum when you would like smoking.
ü  Put up ‘no smoking’ sign in your house and work area, and even in your car.

 As we have seen, the enormous mass of pollutants generated by a single cigarette causes persons close to a smoker or living in the same house to be exposed to pollutant concentrations that are many times higher than those permitted outdoors under existing environment laws. 

Written by: Fariza Najwa Binti Jamaludin
Edit by: Lily Fazilin Binti Mohamad Faizul Tong

Sunday 5 April 2015




Games is part of the game play and play some games, both are interconnected. Game is a complex game in which there are rules to be followed by all players. Games aimed at entertaining.The game is actually important for brain development, to improve concentration and trained to solve problems accurately and quickly as in a game there are conflicts or problems that require us to solve it quickly and accurately. But the game can also be detrimental because when we were dead in the game, we will not forget the time and would interfere with the activity or activities that we are doing.


For every online game player certainly have the effect of habit. Such as in terms of education decreased performance, lazy learning habits cause cheating and causing violence in the world of students. Linger long in front of the monitor screen (LCD) from a health standpoint is certainly not good could minus their eye and can cause health the other problems and financial terms is also include waste because burst wasting money just for the novelty. In theme of this time playing online games for too long are also included in the category of wasted time. Time should we use for things that are useful for our future.




ØChildren being neglected.

ØChildren exposed to social matters.

ØParents give less attention to children.

                                                                  ØCause family problems.


 .Many games can be very sociable, either playing against your mates on the sofa or online with other people.
 .Games can be intellectual where you use clever strategy to beat other people and also educational such as simulations of flight or real-life situations.
.Improved eye-hand coordination for playing those fast action games, reaction times and quick thinking as a result of playing challenging games.
.Video games can improve your vision and improve your decision-making skills.
.Video games keep you happy in old age.


This problem there is way out of the problem. Firstly, need more attention from parents. Because most students who are addicted to the game less attention from parents. But the most important thing is self-awareness that what is done is not useful if excessive or even addicted to playing games.

Second, find a friend who can take us, forward to the better. The point may playing games, but also have to know the time when to learn, when to help parents, when to pray. Hopefully, useful. Please this is regards success for the future generation.

Edit by: Umi ashikin  Binti Zainudin
 Written by: Syahirah Binti Hairudin